Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Visitation by Brother Mickey McGrath

Today's gospel is Mary's visit to Elizabeth. I have witnessed similar deep care and knowing of the holy one within, by the people we meet here at the shelter. How they greet each other and care for each other and each other's children on this journey. Often they come from different countries and may not all speak the same language. 

Today there were so many Mayans from Guatemala and I realized I was listening to an ancient language I had never heard before; some barely speak Spanish.

The common language shared is love of family and a deep love of God and a deep faith in God's providential love. I am so moved by all the refugees in their recognition of how all is gift and of God. 

I took one Guatamalan woman and her family to the bus station today. When I tried explaining the process of changing buses she looked at me with confusion and admitted she didn't understand Spanish well. What she did know well was that she was never alone and that God was with her all along the way in this journey.

Her profession of faith was very moving. She made me wonder about the depth of my faith. What I realize is that I'm where I belong right now and that I have much to learn from all I have been blessed to encounter.

I will be off tomorrow to celebrate Christmas Eve with the community I'm living with. There will be a Mass and a meal and an opportunity to transition from Advent to Christmas. I will spend Christmas with the refugees. At least there is room for them here.

I wish you a Blessed Christmas  and may it be filled with joy and peace,


  1. Merry Christmas. Thanks for providing a different perspective.

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Your experience and insight provide so much understanding and a glimpse into a world that we need to share. Thanks Donna for you. Merry Christmas.

  3. Thanks ���� so much, Donna! So glad you are there- not by chance- and sharing what you see with your eyes and your heart with us! It is a Christmas blessing for all of us. La Paz contigo as you celebrate with the poor travelers who rejoice when they find a room at the inn. ❤️
